Multiple Antennas in Mobile Communications: Concepts and Algorithms

Autoren: V. Kühn, K.-D. Kammeyer
Kurzfassung: Multiple antenna systems have become very popular since the middle of the nineties. The growing demand in high data rate communications and simultaneous bandwidth restrictions emphasize the necessity of systems with high spectral efficiencies. This paper gives an overview of the application of multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver for mobile radio communications. It is explained how the channel properties and the level of channel knowledge affect the best strategy to use multiple antennas. Diversity concepts and beamforming enhancing the link reliability are discussed as well as approaches multiplying the achievable data rate by space division multiple access.
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzbeitrag
Veröffentlichung: Pisa, Italy, 23. - 27. Mai 2004
Konferenz: International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (URSI 04)
Index: 231
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