Power Allocations for Adaptive Distributed MIMO Multi-hop Networks

Autoren: Y. Lang, D. Wübben, K.-D. Kammeyer
Kurzfassung: Distributed MIMO multi-hop relaying is one of the most promising technologies that permits cost-effective improvement of coverage, data rate and end-to-end (e2e) user experience by utilizing distributed low-complexity space-time codes to overcome path losses and deep fades of wireless channels. However, an efficient transmission scheme and resource management are required to exploit these advantages. Specifically, low-complexity adaptive schemes and power control strategies should be designed, thereby achievingg robust and cost-efficient e2e communications. This paper first presents an adaptive transmission scheme, where one relay stops forwarding the message if it is in outage and other nodes adapt to a new space-time code. For this adaptive scheme, optimal as well as sub-optimal closed-form power allocation solutions are derived, that minimize the total transmission power while satisfying a given e2e outage probability. The significant power savings due to the proposed approaches in comparison with a non-adaptive scheme is demonstrated through numerical results.
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzbeitrag
Veröffentlichung: Dresden, Deutschland, 14. - 18. Juni 2009
Konferenz: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC09)
ICC 09
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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 29.09.2009 von Y. Lang
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