Student Theses of Carsten Bockelmann

Subject Tutor date of issue Status Student
Anchorless Matrix Completion-aided Multidimensional Scaling based Rigid Body Localization Carsten Bockelmann
Mohammad Razzaghpour
04/2024 in progress Niclas Günter Jürgen Führling
Probabilistic Interference Prediction using Machine Learning for in-X subnetworks Carsten Bockelmann
Pramesh Gautam
- finished Sushmita Sapkota
Spectral estimation for multiuser detection in analog sensor nets Carsten Bockelmann
Christopher Willuweit
- finished Martin Jedon
Analysis of scheduling methods for Internet-of-Things and Smart factory wireless communications Carsten Bockelmann - finished Sven-Ole Schmidt
Compressed Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio in Time and Space Carsten Bockelmann
Fabian Monsees
- finished Edgar Beck
Delay-constraint scheduling for Internet-of-Things and Smart factory wireless communications Carsten Bockelmann - finished Kutub Biswas
Compressive Sensing Cognitive Radio Carsten Bockelmann
Fabian Monsees
- finished Edgar Beck
Analysis and efficient Implementation of MCSM as access scheme for massive communication in Industrie 4.0 context Carsten Bockelmann
Matthias Woltering
- finished Christopher Willuweit
Exploiting Probability Information in Compressive Sensing based Multi-User Detection Carsten Bockelmann
Yalei Ji
- finished Hao Sun
Overview of the basics of Compressive Sensing Carsten Bockelmann
Fabian Monsees
- finished Yunjin Yang
Modeled based development and implementation of an LTE related Downlink Chain on a Development Platform Dirk Wübben
Carsten Bockelmann
- finished Matthias Woltering
OFDM-IDM Space-Time Coding in Two-Hop Relaying Systems Dirk Wübben
Carsten Bockelmann
- finished Florian Lenkeit
Investigations on Link Adaptation Performance in Case of Low Rank Interference Mark Petermann
Armin Dekorsy
Carsten Bockelmann
- finished Fabian Monsees
Adaptive algorithms in practice: Programming and Measurements with MASI Carsten Bockelmann - finished Zan Li
Multi-User Diversity vs. Link Adaptation Carsten Bockelmann - finished Yiming Sun
IDM in Coded Adaptive Systems Carsten Bockelmann - finished Lixue Han
Code Design with Density Evolution and protoype graphs Carsten Bockelmann - finished Yuanrui Zhang
Joint Optimization of Receive and Transmit Filters for MIMO-Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information Carsten Bockelmann - finished Florian Lenkeit
Space Adaptation for MIMO-Systems with finite transmit alphabets Carsten Bockelmann - finished Ying Wang
Basics and Optimization of LDPC codes Carsten Bockelmann - finished Wu Meng
Mutual information based approximation of coded BER/ FER with finite signal alphabets Carsten Bockelmann - finished Serkan Arikan
Mutual information based approximation of coded BER/ FER Carsten Bockelmann - finished Yuan Zhang
MIMO-Precoding with imperfect Channel State Information Carsten Bockelmann - finished Yuntao Fu
Resource Allocation for Distributed MIMO in Wireless Networks Dirk Wübben
Carsten Bockelmann
- finished Yidong Lang
Information theoretical investigation of MIMO-Systems assuming real side effects Dirk Wübben
Carsten Bockelmann
- finished Mario Goldenbaum
Interleave Division Multiple Access (IDMA) Carsten Bockelmann - finished Jun Lin
Statistical Channel Models vs. Raytracing Carsten Bockelmann - finished Amir Ali Dorafshan
Non linear Precoder for MIMO transmission Carsten Bockelmann - finished Yidong Lang
Basics of Convex Optimisation Carsten Bockelmann - finished Kris Niederkleine
Bit and power loading for HARQ OFDM systems Carsten Bockelmann - finished Sascha Lüde
Approximate Message Passing for Compressed Sensing Carsten Bockelmann - finished Siegfried Nauy
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