Research of Carsten Bockelmann

Current Projects Funding Partners Researcher Duration
Swarm exploration and Communications: Integration by probabilistic Learning (SCIL) DFG DLR-KN M. Tillmann, A. Dekorsy, C. Bockelmann 08/2023 - 08/2025
Design method for in-process inspection systems of nanostructured surfaces based on scattered light measurements and machine learning (Streucompress) DFG BIMAQ C. Bockelmann, M. Abdollahpour 12/2022 - 11/2025
Holistic development of high-performance 6G networking for distributed medical technology systems (6G-Health) BMBF   C. Bockelmann, C. Willuweit, J. Königs 10/2022 - 10/2025
6G-Access, Network of Networks, Automation & Simplification (6G-ANNA) BMBF   D. Wübben, C. Bockelmann, S. Hassanpour, P. Gautam, A. Danaee 07/2022 - 06/2025
Human-integrated Swarm Exploration (HiSE) HB, ZF-UB BIME, Robotics E. Beck, A. Dekorsy, C. Bockelmann 01/2022 - 12/2024
Multiple transport processes in Galileo-based traffic scenarios using optimisation methods for real applications (MUTIG-VORAN) BMWi ZeTeM, TOPAS, CNI C. Bockelmann, M. Razzaghpour 01/2022 - 12/2024
Platform for future communication technologies and 6G (6G Platform Germany) BMBF WiCoN, Barkhausen Institut, IIS, FAU, ifak, TKN, TUD D. Wübben, A. Dekorsy, C. Bockelmann 10/2021 - 09/2025
Open 6G Hub BMBF DFKI-IN, WiCoN, FOKUS, IAF, SIT, FAU, KIT, HPI, IHP, RWTH, TUB, TUDa, ILM, UDE, ITEM (Uni Bremen), ZARM A. Dekorsy, D. Wübben, C. Bockelmann, M. Röper, C. Willuweit, M. Vakilifard, A. Schröder, E. Schlake, S. Hassanpour, B. Matthiesen, D. Buchberger, A. Halimi Razlighi, S. Gracla, E. Beck 08/2021 - 07/2025
Industrial Radio Lab Germany BMBF TUD, WiCoN, ifak A. Dekorsy, C. Bockelmann, N. Bulk, J. Demel 09/2019 - 01/2024
Mobile Medical Technologies for integrated emergency and trauma response (MOMENTUM) BMBF ICCAS, UKL Leipzig, UKSH, IME, SurgiTAIX , ERNW A. Dekorsy, C. Bockelmann, C. Willuweit, E. Beck, F. Haddad, S. Gracla, M. Soliman 09/2019 - 05/2023
Software Defined Radio Demonstrators ANT   C. Bockelmann, D. Wübben, A. Chahbouni, H. Masemann, C. Willuweit, J. Demel since 06/2010
Former Projects Funding Partners Researcher Duration
TACNET 4.0 BMBF   D. Wübben, C. Bockelmann, T. Monsees, C. Willuweit, S. Hassanpour, J. Demel 04/2017 - 03/2021
Kognitive Mediumszugangsalgorithmen für industrielle Funkanwendungen (KoMe) AiF, BMWi ifak, inIT C. Bockelmann, E. Beck 11/2015 - 05/2018
Flexible air interface for scalable service delivery within wireless communication networks of the 5th Generation (FANTASTIC-5G) EU   A. Dekorsy, C. Bockelmann, Y. Ji 07/2015 - 06/2017
Innovative wireless technologies for industrial automation (HiFlecs) BMBF   A. Dekorsy, C. Bockelmann, A.M. Emara, J. Demel 02/2015 - 07/2018
Algorithms and hardware structures for the provision of raw data in invasive neuro systems (INNS) DFG ITEM (Uni Bremen) T. Schnier, C. Bockelmann 05/2014 - 06/2017
METIS EU   F. Lenkeit, C. Bockelmann, D. Wübben, Y. Ji 11/2012 - 04/2015
Non-linear Compressive Sensing Multi-User Detection: Algorithms and Hardware Architectures (NiCOm) DFG ITEM (Uni Bremen) F. Monsees, C. Bockelmann 06/2012 - 05/2015
Compressive Sensing Multi-User Detection for Code-Multiplex Systems (CoSem) DFG   H. Schepker, C. Bockelmann, F. Monsees 11/2011 - 06/2016
Robust adaptive Multi-User Multi-Antenna systems with imperfect Channel State Information DFG   C. Bockelmann 08/2007 - 09/2011
MASI - Multiple Antenna System for ISM-Band Transmission ANT   H. Paul, C. Bockelmann, K.-D. Kammeyer, M. Woltering, M. Petermann 07/2002 - 09/2011

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