Eigenvector Algorithm for Blind Equalization

Authors: B. Jelonnek, K.-D. Kammeyer
Abstract: This paper introduces a new algorithm for blind equalization which uses a set of cost functions. Each of them guarantees a closed form solution of the equalization problem and approximates the ideal MSE (mean square error) solution. On the basis of an iterative process the best approximation is selected. Application of this algorithm is not limited to linear equalizers operating at symbol rate. As a possible generalization to include other areas (such as system identification, decision-feedback equalization or fractionally spaced equalization), an extension to fractional tap space equalizers is outlined.
Document type: Conference Paper
Publication: IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics, 7. - 9. June 1993
Conference: IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics (SPW-HOS 93)
Pages: 19-23
Index: 22
SPW-HOS_1993_jelonnek.ps.gz198 KB
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