Address: University of Bremen Dept. of Communications Engineering Otto-Hahn-Allee NW1 D-28359 Bremen - Germany |
The ‘U Bremen Excellence Chairs’ programme underscores the strong international networking of existing research strengths and enhances their visibility. It promotes the University of Bremen’s internationalisation efforts on a high level. Eight Chairs will be supported for four to seven years by means of the so-called University Allowance funded within the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments. They are primarily established in the University’s High-Profile Areas and other areas of high potential. Additionally, three Chairs are foreseen in the Excellence Cluster titled ‘The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface‘.
Chair-holders are outstanding experts in their disciplines and represent bridgeheads for collaboration with leading institutions worldwide. As ‘visiting Chairs‘ they will be regularly present at the University of Bremen over a period of several years and will establish their own working groups here. The U Bremen Excellence Chairs are closely integrated in the University’s subject areas and will be eligible to supervise doctoral candidates. Further chairs will be selected in autumn 2019. From 2020, up to four other Excellence Chairs will be able to begin their work at the university.
Prof. Dr. Petar Popovski is nominated for research on satellite technologies with special focus on wireless communication. His U Bremen Excellence Chair is established in AEOS, the University of Bremen’s Cluster Initiative on ‘Advancing Earth Observation Sciences’ and hosted by Prof. Dr. Armin Dekorsy.
Further information about U Excellence Chairs
The key objective of the joint project is to complement the research experience of the University of Bremen in designing baseband technologies for wireless communications with the outstanding expertise of Prof. Popovski in designing access protocols for wireless (satellite) networks. The research aims at a joint design of baseband and access technologies, which are needed for high performance networks of small satellites for the NewSpace area. A key research direction is the design and adaptation of wireless connectivity protocols by integration of data-driven approaches and tools from Machine Learning (ML). These tools will supplement the traditional statistical methods applied in communication engineering, towards robust parameter adjustments as well as novel, ML-inspired algorithms for signal design and protocol specification.