Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Dekorsy (Head of Department)

Mitarbeiterfoto Address:
University of Bremen
Dept. of Communications Engineering
Otto-Hahn-Allee NW1
D-28359 Bremen - Germany

Room:NW1 N2280
Phone: +49 421 218 62400

Curriculum Vitae and Research Interest

Short CV

1996-2000 Research Assistant, University of Bremen

2000-2001 Research and Development Engineer, T-Nova, Darmstadt

2001-2007 Research Engineer and Project Manager, Bell-Labs Europe, Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland GmbH, Nuremberg

2007-2010 Research Coordinator Europe, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH, Nuremberg,

Since 2010 Professor for Communications Engineering, University of Bremen

Since 2021 Executive Director Gauss-Olbers Space Technology Transfer Center

Long version of CV

Research Interest

Prof. Dekorsy investigates new lines of research in wireless communications and signal processing for the baseband of transceivers which can readily be transferred to industry. His current research directions include distributed information/signal processing, compressive sensing, and machine learning detection/estimation methods for massive machine type and ultra reliable low latency communications.



by K.-D. Kammeyer, A. Dekorsy
Springer Vieweg,
6. Edition, 923 Pages,
ISBN 978-3-658-17004-2, Wiesbaden, Germany, 28. December 2017


Übungen zur Nachrichtenübertragung
by K.-D. Kammeyer, A. Dekorsy, Peter Klenner, Mark Petermann
Springer Vieweg,
2. Edition, 234 Pages, 
ISBN 978-3-8348-1336-7, Wiesbaden, Germany, 9. August 2020



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Last change on 22.02.2022 by A. Dekorsy
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