Statistical Channel Models vs. Raytracing

Tutor: Carsten Bockelmann
Type of Thesis: Project (MSc)
date of end: 08/2006
Student: Amir Ali Dorafshan
Status: finished
ANT-shelfmark: P-11/07-1

This project aims at a comparsion between statistical channel models which are often used to simplify and speed up simulations on the one hand and channels which can be calculated via raytracing on the other hand. The latter requires the defition of szenarios where each object of interest (scatterer, absorber, etc.) has to be specified with respect to its size, position and material properties. Furthermore multiple users who are moving with certain speeds along predefined paths can be considered. Depending on the choosen Szenario simulation results can vary greatly.

The project starts with a literature research with regard to channel modeling and the related topics. Subsequent to the study of found literature a given raytracer shall be used to calculate channels for a few szenarios and use these channels for transmission simulations which will be provided. In order to use the calculated channels minor modifications to existing matlab modules in C/C++ can be necessary.

Premises: Familiarity with Matlab, Communication Technologies I + II (especially channel models, convolution, FFT), basic C/C++ knowdledge

Last change on 05.05.2008 by C. Bockelmann
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