@inproceedings{ author = {M. Feng and K.-D. Kammeyer}, year = {1998}, month = {Oct}, title = {Blind Source Separation for Communication Signals Using Antenna Arrays}, URL = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentCon.jsp?punumber=5932}, address={Florence, Italy}, abstract={In this paper, we propose a new blind source separation algorithm (called SSARS) for communication signals using antenna arrays. In this algorithm both second- and higher-order statistics of the received data are applied. Unlike conventional methods an added reference system of the separation matrix is inserted here in order to get high separation quality with low computational cost. The separation matrix will be updated iteratively by the reference system. In the most cases equally good results as using the well-known JADE algorithm can be obtained after only two iterations, but with considerably lower computational cost. Another new aspect of our paper is the analysis of bit error rate, which gives a qualitative statement of the separation quality of our algorithm. Finally, the effect of noise reduction on the basis of antenna diversity gain will be studied.}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Wireless Communications (ICUPC 98)} }