@inproceedings{ author = {K. Knoche and J. Rinas and K.-D. Kammeyer}, year = {2001}, month = {Jul}, title = {Channel Estimation Filter Using Sinc-Interpolation for UTRA FDD Downlink}, address={Rethymnon, Crete}, abstract={This paper introduces a new Channel Estimation (CE) filter called Polyphase SInc-Interpolation (PSII)-filter for downlink coherent Rake-combining in a DS-CDMA mobile environment. In this case some UTRA FDD scenarios are taken for showing the feasibility of this approach. It uses known periodically time-multiplexed pilot symbols for interpolating the channel coefficients in between. Main advantage is the aptitude of the PSII-CE especially for high mobile environments. Unfortunately this advantage is paid by the use of at least six pilot sequences resulting in a three slot delay and poor noise reduction capabilities. Some simulation results of this PSII-filter compared with other well known CE-filters are presented.}, booktitle={5th World Multi-Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 01)} }